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Business imperatives

By August 7, 2022 No Comments

Business imperatives

All businesses today have two important imperatives to achieve.

First is the ability to create a high trust culture of appreciation that can attract, retain, engage, and inspire the best people, and thus win the current talent war.

In other words, to win in the workplace.

Second is the ability to collaborate and innovate successfully and continually to stay highly relevant in the changing disruptive world of work.

In other words, win in the marketplace

The bottom line is that businesses that cannot deliver on these imperatives won’t be able to survive in the new world of work.

Today we have mobile phones more powerful than the computers used to put Neil Armstrong on the moon. How ironic then, that in reality, many businesses still manage and motivate their staff by applying the same old “carrot and stick” tactics and techniques that were cutting edge before computers even existed!

Covid 19 is turning on its head the acceptance that there is only one way of working and that is in the office building. But as many companies are finding, their people don’t necessarily want to automatically return to the office full time. If they do, it is to experience something better in the future. New forms of workplaces such as hybrid working are emerging as a result.

At the same time, issues such as mental health and wellbeing, diversity, inclusion, gender equity and the need for people to feel a deeper sense of belonging and purpose – not isolated from each other – are critical issues for business leaders to address.

The old models of micro-managing people in an office or engaging people extrinsically will not cut it anymore.  People want to be treated as adults and to take responsibility for their own work ethos and standards and they want to be engaged from the heart.  Since the start of Covid, many people are assessing the quality of their experiences at work, and they have decided that they want more.

Therefore, it is important now for managers to host conversations with their people to re-imagine and co-construct the new ways of working, what it means to be well and do well together in the multiple places of working – office, home, and hybrid.

Building into the very heart of these new hybrid and augmented working experiences is the power of positive recognition in real time and at scale enabled by a Culture of Appreciation, supported by the New Tech.

Passion in the workplace and employee experience are the new buzz words as we move to the Future of Work. Engagement is now part of a bigger conversation. Research and experience tell us that the most engaged and passionate employees own what they create, and they take responsibility when they care about the topics, emotionally, from the heart.

By recognising and giving positive feedback on “good to great” and “moments of truth” behaviours as part of your daily culture, while combining your recognition culture with an at scale tech such as the Brownie Points platform is proven to deliver measurable results.

For companies that “get it” the benefits will be huge, with reduced staff turnover, increased productivity, greater client experience, fewer sick days and increased discretionary effort being just some of the deliverables, all of which will positively impact the bottom line.

Tony Delaney, CEO Brownie Points

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